Democratization through UN peacekeeping operations? Peacekeeping regimes

This text examines the question whether peacekeeping operations establish peacekeeping regimes in the territories in which they deploy, how they have affected the international community deplete traditional understanding of involvement in domestic affairs and consent of the receiving States, and whether we have to take into consideration a new development in political science related to the democratization processes. This is an analysis of UN peacekeeping operations and their impact on global politics. Peacekeeping operations create certain arrangements intended to modify actors behavior, with an ultimate goal of solving the conflict, and is a temporary regime! In the 1990s there were peacekeeping operations that looked like the obsolete UN Charter trusteeships system but on the other hand violated the once sacrosanct principle or Article 2(7) of the UN Charter of refraining from intervening in the internal affairs of states. The principle that required the consent of the receiving state for the deployment of UN peacekeeping forces on its territory lost importance in favor of the need to promote human rights and democracy. The UN peacekeeping operation in Namibia, and those in Cambodia, Kosovo and East Timor brought a new dimension to the creation of democracy. This to the point of wondering if we are not being witnesses to the fourth wave of democratization. This text further develops this hypothesis and recognizes that although it is too soon to qualify this phenomenon as a new wave of democratization or a simple way of democratization, we should not refrain. Collecting the characteristics observed in the case studies to use them to craft those of the proto-paradigm for candidate members of what might be the fourth wave of democratization.
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