Free movement of lawyers in the European Union

Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Development of Free Movement of Lawyers 1958 - 2008 Chapter 3. Applying the Model: Free Movement of Lawyers in Practice. Chapter 4. Free Movement of Persons Seeking to Qualify as a Lawyer Chapter 5. Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations. Bibliography. Table of Cases. Chapter 5 Recommendations ¿Recommendation 1: It is recommended that the system of Article 11 of Directive 98/5/EC should be changed to a national treatment clause in order to bring it conformity with the majority of implementation mechanisms. ¿Recommendation 2: It is recommended that the rules, laid down in case law, for those persons who are not fully qualified as lawyers should be refined. The Diploma Directive should be applied to those seeking entrance in professional education and apply the Vlassopoulou-doctrine to the recognition of secondary education diplomas. ¿Recommendation 3: It is recommended that special curricula should be devised by universities and accepted by professional organisations in order to further the free movement of (prospective) lawyers. ¿Recommendation 4: It is recommended that these special curricula should focus in the bachelor phase on a new Ius Commune rather than on national law. Precise knowledge of national law should be reserved for the Master's phase or even for professional education.
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